Found in a meadow

Arian case: Child’s body found in Lower Saxony

25.06.2024 06:18

During mowing work, a farmer in the German state of Lower Saxony made a terrible discovery: he found the body of a child. Although the identity has not yet been established, investigators believe it is "probable" that the deceased child is six-year-old Arian.

The remains were discovered in a meadow, as German media reported on Tuesday. The farmer had wanted to turn the grass after mowing to dry it, as reported by the newspaper "Bild". The body was discovered in the process. The discovery site is located in the area that was searched during the large-scale search for Arian and is around seven and a half kilometers away from the boy's home.

Little Arian (6) triggered a search involving hundreds of helpers. (Bild: v-zwoelf –, Krone KREATIV)
Little Arian (6) triggered a search involving hundreds of helpers.

The site where the body was found was forensically investigated by the"Arian Investigation Group", it was reported. The investigator is said to have worked in the field until late into the night. "In order to clarify the identity of the child's body found beyond doubt, the body has been transferred to a forensic institute," said a police spokesperson. A result should be available in the course of the week at the earliest.

Autistic boy did not respond to calls
The German police had been searching for the six-year-old from Bremervörde for weeks after he left his home on April 22, presumably of his own free will.

Soldiers and many volunteers combed the area around Arian's home. (Bild: APA/dpa/Moritz Frankenberg)
Soldiers and many volunteers combed the area around Arian's home.
A nearby river was also searched by the investigators. (Bild: AP ( via APA) Austria Presse Agentur/APA/dpa/Daniel Bockwoldt)
A nearby river was also searched by the investigators.
(Bild: APA/dpa/Sina Schuldt)

A surveillance camera captured Arian walking alone on the road towards the forest and the river Oste at around 7.30 pm. The problem with the search operation was that the autistic boy did not respond when his name was called. The parents explained that he "probably wouldn't make himself noticed".

Unusual measures during the search
The investigators and relatives therefore used unusual methods to track down the boy. Balloons, sweets and drinking bottles were distributed in the area to attract the missing boy. Attempts were also made to lure the boy out of his hiding place with loud music and fireworks - but none of these measures proved successful.

Hundreds of people took part in the search for the missing man. According to "Bild", the last search operation took place on May 23. At the end of June, thefive-member "Arian Investigation Group" was to be disbanded as only a few leads had been received.

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