"Herzensmensch" campaign

“Krone” brings special people in front of the curtain

25.06.2024 15:04

Do you know someone who means everything to you? Someone who is always there and to whom you would like to say thank you? Then join in!

It's often the small gestures that you don't even notice yourself, but that mean the world to someone else. A moment of helpfulness; of charity! This was the case in summer 2023 at Lake Millstatt - the water rescue team helped Franz Essl, a paraplegic from Salzburg, to fulfill his dream of swimming! For this, the water rescuers received the 2023 Heart Man Association award!

Döbriach Water Rescue took first place in the Clubs category. (Bild: Rojsek-Wiedergut Uta)
Döbriach Water Rescue took first place in the Clubs category.
Elke Puaschitz (left) has been providing first aid for decades (Bild: Rojsek-Wiedergut Uta)
Elke Puaschitz (left) has been providing first aid for decades
Little Liam was honored for his commitment! (Bild: Rojsek-Wiedergut Uta)
Little Liam was honored for his commitment!

Elke Puaschitz was also an award winner last year, as she has been teaching first aid for the Carinthian Youth Red Cross for decades - in schools and kindergartens, where she explains first aid in an age-appropriate and varied way. And you will certainly remember little Liam (6), who loves to clear litter from the countryside in his free time.

How to nominate your favorite person
As you can see, people of the heart can look very different, but they are all characterized by their commitment to their fellow human beings! If you have just thought of a person or an association that could easily fit into this list of people of the heart, then nominate them for the "Krone" heart person campaign, including a detailed explanation! You can do this either online, by e-mail to kaerntner@kronenzeitung.at or by post to the editorial office, Krone Platz 1, 9020 Klagenfurt.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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