Cult movie comes back

Lohan & Curtis shoot “Freaky Friday” sequel

25.06.2024 08:02

Lindsay Lohan (37) and Jamie Lee Curtis (65) are back in front of the camera for "Freaky Friday 2". "The Colemans are back and they're coming to the movies in 2025," the Walt Disney Studio announced on Monday.

The sequel to "Freaky Friday" is now filming, the studio wrote on the X platform with a photo of Lohan and Curtis on set. Nothing was initially revealed about the content.

Mom and daughter swap bodies
In the 2003 Disney comedy, Curtis played psychotherapist Tess Coleman, who is constantly arguing with her teenage daughter Anna (Lohan). After eating magical fortune cookies, the two swap bodies and suddenly have to get by in each other's lives - the mother at school, the daughter as a therapist.

"Freaky Friday" is an adaptation of the 1972 novel of the same name by Mary Rodgers.

The sequel is directed by Canadian Nisha Ganatra ("Late Night"). Returning from the original cast alongside Lohan and Curtis are Mark Harmon, Chad Michael Murray and Rosalind Chao, among others.

Oscar winner meets ex-child star
Curtis won an Oscar in 2023 for her supporting role in the film "Everything Everywhere All at Once". Lohan was already in front of the camera as a child for films such as "A Twin Seldom Comes Alone" and became famous in the early 2000s with hit comedies such as "Freaky Friday" and "Girls Club - Beware of the Bite!". She was most recently seen in the Netflix comedy "Irish Wish".

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