Prosthesis run in Vienna

“Yana is a symbol of the will of Ukraine”

25.06.2024 08:33

Yana Stepanenko lost both legs in a Russian missile attack on the Kramatorsk train station in April 2022. Today, the 13-year-old is one of the greatest symbols of the unbroken will of the Ukrainians. On Monday evening, the girl walked with her prostheses on the Prater Hauptallee in Vienna.

The appointment with Yana was organized by Oleksandra Saienko. The Ukrainian, who lives in Vienna, suggested the plaque commemorating Eliud Kipchoge's record-breaking marathon in the Prater as a meeting point: "His motto is: 'No human is limited'. This fits the situation of Yana and thousands of other people in my home country very well."

The Ukrainian ambassador, Dr. Vasyl Khymynets, was also present at the Prater. Saienko emphasized: "Yana's story is one of many that show how terrible Russia's war crimes are. We will always remember this, it must not be forgotten."

The Ukrainian ambassador, Dr. Vasyl Khymynets, was also present at the event on Prater-Hauptallee. (Bild: Oleksandra Saienko)
The Ukrainian ambassador, Dr. Vasyl Khymynets, was also present at the event on Prater-Hauptallee.
The meeting point for the event was the plaque commemorating Eliud Kipchoge's record-breaking marathon. (Bild: Oleksandra Saienko)
The meeting point for the event was the plaque commemorating Eliud Kipchoge's record-breaking marathon.
The Ustream Runners Vienna supported Yana during her run. (Bild: Oleksandra Saienko)
The Ustream Runners Vienna supported Yana during her run.
Yana ran in the Prater. (Bild: Oleksandra Saienko)
Yana ran in the Prater.
Yana ran in the Prater. (Bild: Oleksandra Saienko)
Yana ran in the Prater.

Her husband is Vsevolod Kozhemyako, Austrian Honorary Consul in Kharkiv. He is fighting at the front. Saienko emphasizes: "All Ukrainians help the motherland. The aim is to regain territorial integrity. We have no other choice. Otherwise we will cease to exist. Anyone who doesn't understand this or plays down the war has learned nothing from history."

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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