Alternative traffic on the A10

Congestion opponents: “People need to organize themselves more”

25.06.2024 10:30

In Tyrol, there is block clearance for the trucks there and exit barriers are rigorously controlled. A Tyrolean activist sees major parallels with Salzburg and points out solutions.

Fritz Gurgiser is usually a less welcome guest in Tyrolean politics. As a campaigner against traffic jams and congestion, he has been active for decades. In Tyrol, the municipalities are also suffocating under traffic jam evaders. There are rigorous exit closures and block clearance for trucks. Gurgiser observes the A10 congestion issue and was heard as an expert in the Salzburg state parliament.

"Politicians are aware of the problems, but lack courage"
In the "Krone" interview, the 72-year-old becomes clearer: "Our road network is not designed for such masses of cars. Our highways run through narrow mountain valleys. It's like a funnel and we are the bottleneck."

Just as truck traffic is controlled in Tyrol, the much heavier car traffic has to be controlled in Salzburg. According to the former Tyrolean member of the provincial parliament, the legal basis is in place, you just have to apply the laws. Gurgiser: "I believe that political discouragement in the face of unpleasant decisions and pressure from business and tourism are to blame for the fact that so little is happening."

More courage from those affected
Gurgiser founded the Transit Forum as an association against traffic congestion back in 1994. He says: "If politicians don't do anything, the people at the bottom have to organize themselves more. They have to get their rights, because these traffic jams affect the lives of every individual.

According to Gurgiser, not a single ordinance on the Brenner freeway in the province of Tyrol was passed without the Transit Forum: "The citizens and the mayors need to be more daring."

As an example, he immediately mentions a citizens' warning meeting in Reutte, which is taking place on Friday under the title "Get involved instead of rolling over".

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read the original article here.

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