"Krone" championship series

Champions were given a finca as a surprise

25.06.2024 13:30

The joy of winning the championship is one thing. But the fact that the club paid for a finca on Mallorca as a reward for the players is another. The footballers from the Gneis/ASK/PSV team could hardly believe their luck. At the beginning of the season, it was still unclear how well they would harmonize.

They didn't expect it! When the Gneis/ASK/PSV footballers celebrated the championship title in the 1st class north after the last match, they were suddenly surprised by the club. The club rewarded its players with a finca on Mallorca.

Some of the team celebrated in Mallorca, including at the Bierkönig. (Bild: zVg)
Some of the team celebrated in Mallorca, including at the Bierkönig.

"They were all delighted," says captain Fred Svarovsky, who announced the good news after the presentation of the championship trophy. Because the trip started the very next day, it was not possible for the whole team to come along.

Those who made the Ballermann unsafe celebrated a successful season that was initially fraught with risk. The team was newly formed and nobody knew how well the boys would get on. "I'm thrilled with how it worked out. It got better and better over the season," said the captain in amazement.

Chairman Andreas Kanzler was also delighted: "The atmosphere was very good. It's not at all normal to keep everyone happy in a syndicate." The mood curve went up over the course of the season, but the sporting curve went down in the spring.

"We had the odd slip-up in the second half of the season, which made things exciting at the end," says Svarovsky. According to coach Alexander Reinthaler, this run was "the best in terms of emotions" because the title was only decided on the last matchday.

The club wants to become an important part of the 2nd national league. "We also want to give the youngsters a chance," emphasizes the chairman. Their development has been neglected because of the promotion target.

Head coach Reinthaler says: "I'm pretty sure that we can put together a strong squad." Perhaps a vacation will be the reward afterwards . . .

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read the original article here.

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