In air attack

Family members of Hamas leader Haniyeh killed

25.06.2024 12:00

According to Palestinian reports, ten members of the family of Hamas foreign leader Ismail Haniyeh have been killed in an Israeli airstrike. According to the Civil Defense, the family home in the refugee settlement of Al-Shati in the Gaza Strip was hit.

A sister of the 61-year-old is said to be among the dead. Numerous other people are believed to have died under the rubble. The Palestinian authorities spoke of at least 24 fatalities. There are also said to have been numerous injured. Haniyeh, who lives in Qatar, is the head of the politburo of the radical Islamic organization.

According to the Israeli army, two buildings were targeted, where terrorists are said to have been located. (Bild: APA/AFP/Omar AL-QATTAA)
According to the Israeli army, two buildings were targeted, where terrorists are said to have been located.

In April, three of his sons and four grandchildren were killed in an Israeli attack in the center of the Gaza Strip. The Israeli army accused them of "terrorist activities". Haniyeh explained at the time that around 60 members of his family had already been killed since the start of the Gaza war on October 7.

Israeli army attacked two "terrorist buildings"
Israel's army said that on Tuesday night two buildings in the north of the coastal strip had been shelled by terrorists. Among them were terrorists who had been involved in the massacre on October 7 and had been holding hostages. The buildings were located in the Al-Shati refugee district and in Daraj Tuffah.

Hamas head of foreign affairs Ismail Haniyeh (Bild: AP)
Hamas head of foreign affairs Ismail Haniyeh

According to the army statement, terrorists had sought refuge in school buildings. They had been involved in the planning and execution of attacks on Israel. Air surveillance measures, precise ammunition and intelligence resources had been used to minimize the danger to civilians.

Israel's actions against Hamas in the Gaza Strip are criticized above all for the high number of civilian casualties.

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