Ukraine's lawsuit

Human rights court condemns Crimean regime

25.06.2024 12:30

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has condemned Russia for systematic human rights violations in Crimea. The judges thus ruled on Tuesday on a complaint filed by Ukraine.

However, the neighbouring country does not recognize the judgments of the human rights court. In its complaint, the Ukrainian government emphasized that Russia's authorities had repeatedly violated human rights since February 2014. At that time, the peninsula was annexed in violation of international law and has been occupied by Russia ever since.

Activists persecuted
However, the decision was not about the annexation itself, but about Russia's subsequent behavior. Among other things, the plaintiff reports unlawful arrests, ill-treatment, the suppression of Ukrainian media and the Ukrainian language in schools. In addition, the Russian government persecuted pro-Ukrainian activists not only in Crimea, but throughout Ukraine and Russia.

Expelled from the Council of Europe
However, the Kremlin announced some time ago that it would no longer recognize judgments of the Court of Human Rights. The country was excluded from the Council of Europe due to the war against Ukraine and is therefore no longer a member of the European Convention on Human Rights. The Court in turn ensures that this convention is observed. Decisions can only be made on incidents that occurred before the exclusion.

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