In Gasen, Styria

Little Jona was almost born in a helicopter

25.06.2024 13:02

An exciting day in Gasen in Eastern Styria: Little Jona was born in just one hour. The requested crew of the Christophorus 17 rescue helicopter had already landed, but the flight to hospital was no longer possible. A flight rescuer and the overjoyed mother talk about the surprise birth.

It could have been an unspectacular Thursday morning in tranquil Gasen: "We were on the way to my parents' house, the birth wasn't really announced," says Kerstin Pöllabauer. But then around midday came the surprise: her waters broke!

Pöllabauer's family - her little son and her husband were with her - immediately called the emergency services. After her first birth had taken 17 hours, they took it in their stride, unaware that this time it would only take an hour. Because little Jonah seemed to be in a hurry.

An exciting day for the older son of the Styrian family. (Bild: Pöllabauer)
An exciting day for the older son of the Styrian family.

The whole crew helped with the birth
"The ambulance arrived after 15 minutes, but the baby's head was already visible," says the 27-year-old. Now things had to move quickly - the contractions came three minutes apart. The paramedics quickly called for a helicopter and an emergency doctor. Eleven minutes later, pilot Thomas Leitold, emergency doctor Philip Kreuzer and flight rescuer Michael Sollfellner were on the scene as the crew of the Christophorus 17.

The ÖAMTC crew assisted with the delivery (left: Michael Sollfellner). (Bild: ÖAMTC)
The ÖAMTC crew assisted with the delivery (left: Michael Sollfellner).

"When we landed, the birth was already in full swing. It would not have been possible to fly to hospital," says flight rescuer Sollfellner. And so, without further ado, they became obstetricians. "Three contractions and the baby was there," says the proud mother. Place of birth Gasen; time of birth 12.45 p.m. on June 13, 2024. Her little Jona was well up - and she was overjoyed.

Little Jona is doing well. (Bild: Pöllabauer)
Little Jona is doing well.

The umbilical cord was quickly cut and the mother and her newborn were transferred to the helicopter to fly to Leoben Regional Hospital. "I was full of adrenaline," says Pöllabauer. And Sollfellner says: "I've been in the rescue service for 20 years. These are the few nice missions we get to experience." For Pöllabauer, it was also his first contact with the rescue service - and such an overwhelming one at that. "That was amazing. We are mega, mega grateful," says the mother of two.

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