... than in Austria

Refueling is much more expensive in many vacation countries

25.06.2024 13:55

Drivers going on vacation often have to put up with significantly higher fuel prices in popular holiday destinations such as Italy or Greece than in Austria.

A comparison shows that within the EU, Denmark has the highest costs for a tank of 50 liters of Eurosuper at almost 101 euros. In Austria, the average cost is around 80 euros, while Bulgaria is the cheapest at just under 67 euros.

In Italy, the most popular vacation destination, a tank of 50 liters of diesel costs around five euros more than in Germany, while 50 liters of Eurosuper costs around twelve euros more. In France, too, you have to dig deeper into your pockets at the filling station, namely almost 5 euros for a 50-liter tank of diesel and almost twelve euros for Eurosuper.

In Greece, the fuel bill for 50 liters of Eurosuper is over 13 euros higher than in Austria, in Germany by almost 11 euros and in the Netherlands by over 19 euros. In Croatia, the second most popular vacation destination, 50 liters of diesel cost around three euros less than in Austria and 50 liters of Eurosuper around four euros.

Outside the EU, the price for 50 liters of Eurosuper in England is just over 101 euros and for 50 liters of diesel at 109 euros, significantly higher than in the EU. In Switzerland, 50 liters of Eurosuper cost almost 19 euros more than in Austria at 99 euros and 50 liters of diesel cost 21 euros more, reports the Verkehrsclub (VCÖ).

In Serbia and Montenegro you also have to pay more for Eurosuper and diesel than in Austria, while in Turkey the fuel price is significantly lower at 59 euros for Eurosuper and 58 euros for diesel.

Price differences in Austria
According to the ÖAMTC, there is also a price differential in Austria: Because the petrol stations are based on the respective neighboring countries, among other things, it is usually more expensive in the west - in geographical proximity to the rather high-priced countries of Italy and Germany.

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