From the beginning of 2025

Brenner highway: dilapidated bridge now only one lane!

25.06.2024 13:51

In the case of the dilapidated, 55-year-old Lueg Bridge on the Tyrolean Brenner freeway, there are now increasingly concrete timetables: from the beginning of 2025, the structure will only be passable in one lane in both directions. The new construction will most likely begin in spring.

The single lane, which has already been announced several times, is essential for safety reasons. Asfinag Managing Director Stefan Siegele explained on Tuesday that a "main inspection" carried out in April had now confirmed this.

"Not imminent danger"
The final results of the bridge inspection are expected at the end of July. "There can be no compromises when it comes to safety." However, Siegele also emphasized: "The bridge is still passable. There is no imminent danger. This is reasonable for the bridge".

The Lueg Bridge is becoming a bottleneck. (Bild: Christof Birbaumer / Kronenzeitung)
The Lueg Bridge is becoming a bottleneck.

One lane for three years
The new construction will "very probably" begin in the spring. The first bridge structure is expected to be completed "at the end of 2027", says Siegele. Only then will two lanes in each direction be available again. The entire bridge is then expected to be completed in 2030.

A total of 300 million euros are to be invested. Further delays due to objections are apparently not expected; the last thing still outstanding is a decision from the water authorities.

On busy travel days, the bridge will probably be open to two lanes in each direction. Of course, this will only be in compliance with a "total weight load" and in any case handled "flexibly".

Two-week test phase in July
In any case, Asfinag is planning to divert HGV traffic to the middle of the bridge, i.e. the left-hand lane, in the event of a dual carriageway. The remaining traffic should keep to the right. This is because the load-bearing capacity of the old bridges on the inside is even higher.

A two-week test will be carried out in July to see how the measure works in practice, said Siegele. The aim is also to enable a 60 km/h speed limit. A "sophisticated, dynamic traffic concept" based on the results of the bridge test will then be presented in September.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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