In Güssing

Over 1000 pupils on an exciting army mission

25.06.2024 14:20

Self-discipline, flexibility, team spirit - soldiers are expected to be fully committed. The variety and excitement of the tasks are experienced first-hand by 1200 young people.

Our armed forces are held in high esteem. Two out of three Austrians are in favor of the military. Military service is popular with 68 percent of those who are fit to serve.

Investing in modernization
"This cannot be taken for granted. We contribute a great deal to this high level of recognition," explains military commander Brigadier Gernot Gasser. While the budget used to shrink massively from year to year, federal policy is once again focusing on modernization with investments in the millions.

In the Pandur wheeled armored vehicle, the students roll through the grounds wearing helmets, scale the climbing wall or abseil. (Bild: Christian schulter)
In the Pandur wheeled armored vehicle, the students roll through the grounds wearing helmets, scale the climbing wall or abseil.

Open days
1200 pupils can take a look behind the scenes at the Montecuccoli barracks in Güssing. Accompanied by experienced soldiers, they are even allowed to explore rough terrain in a Pandur wheeled tank or climb dizzying heights and then abseil down the climbing tower on two "open days".

The youngsters are enthusiastic about it. Remarkable: As with Austrians who are eligible to vote, the popularity of our army is already extremely high among 12 to 16-year-olds. The military has no worries about recruiting.

Arina Deutsch (13) from Güssing: "I particularly like the armed forces. I'm a big fan of the varied activities. My grandpa was in it, I definitely want to join the army too." (Bild: Christian schulter)
Arina Deutsch (13) from Güssing: "I particularly like the armed forces. I'm a big fan of the varied activities. My grandpa was in it, I definitely want to join the army too."
Matthäus Stranzl (12) from Güssing: "I live near the barracks and often see the soldiers driving past. Our army is exciting, maybe it will even be my job later." (Bild: Christian schulter)
Matthäus Stranzl (12) from Güssing: "I live near the barracks and often see the soldiers driving past. Our army is exciting, maybe it will even be my job later."
Katharina Waschitz (16) from Großpetersdorf: "The armed forces offer many opportunities. I think the voluntary basic military service for women is great. I would do it straight away." (Bild: Christian schulter)
Katharina Waschitz (16) from Großpetersdorf: "The armed forces offer many opportunities. I think the voluntary basic military service for women is great. I would do it straight away."

Support wanted
"We are still looking for support for the cadre presence unit for missions abroad in areas affected by crises and humanitarian disasters," says Colonel Christian Luipersbeck, Commander of Jäger Battalion 19 in Güssing.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

Christian Schulter
Christian Schulter
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