Migration, security

Karner invites ministers to conference in Laxenburg

25.06.2024 14:53

Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP) received his counterparts from 15 European countries in Laxenburg on Tuesday (see video above). The conference will focus on the EU asylum and migration pact, the fight against smugglers and illegal migration.

Joint action against extremism and terrorism is also being considered. "The issue of security affects the population very intensely, very vehemently," said Karner at the start of the meeting. According to him, the ministers and members of the government want to "continue intensive discussions" on issues such as secure EU external border protection, faster asylum procedures and cooperation with so-called safe third countries. A joint declaration is planned at the end of the two days.

The interior ministers of Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia are expected to attend, and a representative from Ukraine will join via video. The EU Commission, the EU police authority Europol, the border authority Frontex and former ÖVP Vice-Chancellor Michael Spindelegger have also announced their attendance.

The politicians in the meeting room (Bild: APA/Robert Jäger)
The politicians in the meeting room

What the EU asylum reform envisages
The EU asylum reform adopted in 2024 provides for, among other things, uniform procedures at the external borders of the European Union and a much tougher approach to people who come from countries that are considered relatively safe. Until a decision is made on their asylum application, they may be held in detention-like conditions in reception camps. In addition, it should be easier to deport them to so-called safe third countries in future.

Another point is the distribution of migrants. Countries that no longer wish to accept migrants must provide compensatory support, for example in the form of money. If a particularly large number of migrants arrive, the "crisis regulation" should apply. In this case, people can be detained for longer.

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