Including ORF

Russia blocks access to ORF and

25.06.2024 15:16

Russian authorities are blocking access to 81 media outlets from the EU. In Austria, the ORF and the "Österreich" media group are affected. They can neither be received nor accessed on the internet in Russia.

According to media reports, the French news agency AFP, the radio station Radio France, the Italian television station RAI and the German news magazine "Der Spiegel" have also been blocked. Their content or broadcasts are no longer available on Russian territory, according to the Kremlin.

Moscow's foreign office accused the media of "systematically spreading false information" about the war in Ukraine. Across the EU, 81 media outlets are affected.

The seat of government in Moscow (Bild: AFP )
The seat of government in Moscow

Critical media blocked
In Russia itself, many media outlets and websites that report critically on President Vladimir Putin's policies have been blocked. They can only be accessed with the help of a VPN server, i.e. via a network connection that cannot be viewed from outside and which allows users to virtually change their location. Many journalists are in prison in the country, including Evan Gershkovich from the US daily newspaper "Wall Street Journal" for alleged espionage.

Kremlin: "retaliatory measure"
The EU had previously banned four Russian state media in its own territory - the Russian state news agency Ria Novosti, the government newspaper "Rossiskaja Gaseta", the "Voice of Europe" platform and the pro-Kremlin newspaper "Izvestia", which also owns a television station. However, the media and their employees are still allowed to work in the EU. The ban came into force on Tuesday.

"Countermeasures are being taken to prevent access from Russian territory" to media from "EU member states", Moscow said on Tuesday. There is talk of a "retaliatory measure". Should the EU lift the blockade, the Kremlin would also be prepared to consider ending it.

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