In in Vienna

Top concerts, yoga, beer and the 90s

26.06.2024 11:00

There's a lot going on in Vienna at the moment. There's something for every taste. An overview of festivals and not quite beer-based exercises.

After their big gig on Sunday in front of 59,000 fans, Australian cult rockers AC/DC are going to let it rip again today, Wednesday, at the Happel Stadium. Start: 7.30 pm. Remaining tickets are available from 130 euros upwards.

The Australian cult rockers let it rip once again in the Ernst Happel Stadium. (Bild: Andreas Graf)
The Australian cult rockers let it rip once again in the Ernst Happel Stadium.

Ottakringer Beer Festival
The beer festival in front of the Ottakringer brewery starts on Thursday (June 27). From Monday to Saturday, from 4 p.m. to midnight, freshly tapped barley juices, burgers, oriental specialties as well as beer yoga (exercises with a bottle in your hand), pub quizzes and live music will be on offer until August. In addition, all European Championship matches will be shown on a screen from the round of 16 (June 29). All information at:

Yoga exercises with beer bottle in hand. (Bild: Ottakringer)
Yoga exercises with beer bottle in hand.

Back to the 90s
It's back to the 90s on Thursday from 8 pm at Leopold (2nd, Große Pfarrgasse 11). DJ JMX will be spinning the greatest hits from this colorful era, and food and drinks will also be provided.

Music by the river
The Vienna Green Party's free concert series "Musik am Fluss" with rapper Mavi Phoenix in the Stadtpark also starts for the fifth time on Thursday. Other venues include Bruno Kreisky Park, the Wien River and the Danube Island. The program starts at 7 pm and features alternative music. All information:

The Musik am Fluss concert series features acts such as Mavi Phoenix, Lukas Oscar, CURB and many more. (Bild: Grüne Wien)
The Musik am Fluss concert series features acts such as Mavi Phoenix, Lukas Oscar, CURB and many more.

Cultural summer starts
The Vienna Symphony Orchestra with Julian Le Play, among others, will kick off the Kultursommer on Thursday and Friday at 7.30 pm on the Kaiserwiese in the Prater. 5000 visitors have space on the grounds, opening at 5 pm. Free of charge!

Many street festivals
Friday and Saturday from 10 am and 12 noon respectively, the Enkplatzfest celebrates the diversity and dynamism of Simmering with concerts, dancing, Punch and Judy shows and a fire show.

Street dance, pump track, boccia, music and a children's program open the newly designed large Tangentenpark in Favoriten on Friday and Saturday from 11 am to 7 pm (see p. 20).

The Südwind street festival at the university campus in the old AKH offers international delicacies and live music as well as the opportunity to get to know associations and initiatives on Saturday and Sunday.

"Elisabeth" in front of Schönbrunn Palace
For the very last time, the cult musical "Elisabeth" will be performed in front of the magnificent backdrop of Schönbrunn Palace from Friday to Saturday. There are still tickets left!

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