System "worn down"

NEOS call for 20,000 additional teachers

25.06.2024 15:56

Many parents are concerned that classes in compulsory schools are too large and that staff have too little time for teaching. These are the results of a survey commissioned by the NEOS, who are therefore calling for 20,000 additional teachers for nurseries and schools.

Many children, teachers and parents are currently being "worn down" in the education system, criticized NEOS leader Beate Meinl-Reisinger on Tuesday. She saw the results of a Triple M survey* commissioned by her party as proof of this. The parents surveyed named the lack of staff as the biggest problem. This meant that teachers had too little time for teaching or their other activities.

Other challenges mentioned were classes that were too large in compulsory schools, bullying, the amount of time required and the costs for the school. In addition, some respondents are worried that their children's talents could go undiscovered.

NEOS leader Beate Meinl-Reisinger (Bild: Christian Jauschowetz)
NEOS leader Beate Meinl-Reisinger

Education spokesperson: "Not just announcements"
"Parents see a need for reforms, not announcements," said education spokesperson Martina Künsberg Sarre on Tuesday. Among other things, she referred to the announced reforms to recreational education and the reduction of bureaucracy, which Education Minister Martin Polaschek (ÖVP) had announced and "will probably not happen after all."

According to the NEOS, 20,000 additional teaching staff are needed at schools and kindergartens across Austria over the next ten years. Although there are currently enough kindergarten graduates, only a few decide to enter the profession.

More incentives for staff
This is why more attractive conditions are needed; at schools, the NEOS want an incentive for staff to increase their working hours. Currently, four out of ten employees work part-time. At the same time, it should be easier for teaching staff of retirement age to continue teaching if they wish. Other demands include: more autonomy for schools and therefore less bureaucracy, more support staff, rewards for particularly committed teachers and easier lateral entry.

*The survey was conducted online among 1000 parents of school (655) and kindergarten children (345).

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