In the Mühlviertel

Another lifeguard had to take a beating

25.06.2024 16:30

A danger bonus for lifeguards does not seem to be an exaggeration - because once again there was a brutal beating in an Upper Austrian outdoor pool, this time in Bad Leonfelden. A Syrian man (25) is said to have attacked and injured a lifeguard (22) after a dispute about the pool rules.

On Monday evening, four men with a migrant background are said to have jumped into the water from the edge of the pool in Bad Leonfelden several times without permission. When the lifeguard (22) intervened and pointed out the non-compliance with the pool rules, a violent fight is said to have broken out.

Hit against the neck with his hand
Finally, at around 6.30 p.m., a Syrian man (25) allegedly hit the attendant with the flat of his hand against his neck. He was slightly injured and went to hospital on his own. The police quickly apprehended the Syrian and took him to the local police station for questioning. The suspect did not confess and further investigations are underway.

Not the first incident
As recently as mid-May, a 14-year-old had beaten the lifeguard at the outdoor pool in Perg until he was ready for hospitalization. On June 19, a swimmer in Laakirchen also went completely crazy. A harmless argument developed into a brawl in which the rioter broke a man's nose. When the pool attendant tried to calm the situation, the perpetrator attacked him.

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