Investigation underway

Espionage attack on Styrian lawyer

26.06.2024 06:30

Styrian gambling lawyer Julia Eckhart was followed by detectives for months. They even attached a tracking device to her car! The public prosecutor's office is now investigating.

Styrian lawyer Julia Eckhart has made a name for herself as a "gambling lawyer". She fights for her gambling-addicted clients to get back the large sums of money that they had previously put into cash machines and lost. Even large, well-known companies have had to bow to her in court.

Detective caught mounting
Now she herself has become the victim of a nasty intrigue. However, she only found out that she had been followed and spied on for months when a detective was caught trying to fit a tracking device to her car.

Lawyer Julia Eckhart (Bild: Juergen Fuchs)
Lawyer Julia Eckhart

This happened on January 11 of this year. The lawyer had traveled to Vienna - as she often does - to represent a client against a large gambling company and was staying overnight in a hotel. As she was relaxing in her room, a man in dark clothing tampered with her car. A hotel security employee caught him doing so. The man's excuse was that the car belonged to a friend and that he needed to inspect some damage. This seemed Spanish to the employee. When the security camera was viewed, it became clear that the man had placed something under the car. As the security guard feared it might be a bomb, he alerted the police. They then discovered the tracking device.

The detective fitted this tracking device (small round picture) under Julia Eckhart's car. He was caught in the act. (Bild: Krone KREATIV/zVg)
The detective fitted this tracking device (small round picture) under Julia Eckhart's car. He was caught in the act.

Detective defends client
Eckhart was informed of the incident by reception the following day. "Of course I was completely perplexed," she tells the Krone. The next day, the detective, who had been tracked down by his filmed car license plate number, told the police another adventurous story: his key had fallen under the car and he just wanted to get it out.

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At first I was in a state of shock. That's over now, I'm going all the way against those responsible!

Anwältin Julia Eckhart

Suspect confesses
A week later, he finally admitted: "Yes, I fitted a GPS tracker to the car!" The aim had been to identify Eckhart, as she was possibly connected to a criminal offense.

Detective defends client
It is obvious that this version is not entirely true either. During the police investigation, it emerged that she had been followed, filmed and photographed since early summer 2023. However, the detective and his assistant from another detective agency did not reveal who they were working for. The Vienna public prosecutor's office is currently investigating the violation of the Data Protection Act "data processing with the intention of profit or damage". How is the lawyer doing now? "At first I was in shock. That's over now, I'm going all the way against those responsible!"

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read the original article here.

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