Lime, alder and co.

Graz woman reveals: How the forest can heal us

27.06.2024 17:00

Fascinating: a woman from Graz, who knows the forest from the roots to the sky, brings us closer to miraculous "tree medicine". Using a colorful set of cards that leaves no questions unanswered.

Phillis Cichy from Graz was born with a love of nature - and that love was practically the forest. "I spent a lot of time there with friends as a child," she says, describing the roots from which her interest sprouted. Which she eventually turned into a second mainstay after studying at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna.

Since then, the 40-year-old has also been offering forest activities professionally. Forest bathing, for example - but what is that supposed to be other than just a walk? "That's the big difference. On a walk, you have a goal, you look at your watch, you're on the move." When forest bathing, on the other hand, you look for a place that makes you feel good. And stay there, preferably for hours. In an atmosphere that is created by the plant breathing. "Thousands of different types of terpenes are released in the process," says the specialist. "You inhale them when you breathe, and they also communicate with our own immune system. That's why we feel so good in the forest."

The card set has already gone into its second edition (Bild: Christian Jauschowetz)
The card set has already gone into its second edition

The results of this conscious stay: "This time out from everyday life has a blood pressure-lowering and stress-reducing effect and boosts the production of our killer cells, i.e. white blood cells." You should also breathe consciously - even close your eyes. "90 percent of what we do is focused on our eyes. You'll be fascinated by how many completely unfamiliar sounds you hear at once." Another eye-opening experience is to lie down on your stomach in the forest, "to see the small plants and creatures at eye level. To observe them. You broaden your horizons immensely."

The further development of her enthusiasm for trees via a set of cards has this advantage: as we all know, many of us can't see the wood for the trees - but neither can we see the trees themselves. But since you don't often go for a walk with a thick book, Cichy's offer comes in handy. With a photo and description, 20 common trees can be identified.

Court was held under the lime tree

And this is where the tree medicine that Cichy wants to recommend to us comes in. We learn about the lime tree, for example, that it often sets the scene for farms or village centers as a solitary tree, that it was often planted as a boundary marker due to its longevity, and that court hearings were once held in its shade, just as weddings are still celebrated today. The fact that its wood makes beautiful furniture, but also bast and even gunpowder, The leaves are described, explaining that when extracted they are excellent for burns or sunburn or for hemorrhoids, and when boiled they help as mouthwash or against insomnia and coughs.

"It's no substitute for a doctor," emphasizes the Graz native. But: "The power of healing through nature has been known for thousands of years. Now is the time to reflect on this again. Books like Maria Treben's are also very much in vogue."

The passionate horsewoman and dog lover is celebrating success with her set, which has never existed before and has already been published for the second time. Her next step: a book with healing tips from nature for animals!

Information and order: The card set costs 20 euros.

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read the original article here.

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