14 times at number one

Nockis knock Wanda, Bon Jovi and co. off the throne

26.06.2024 10:00

Curtain up for the Nockis: not only their new album "gefühlsecht", but also its rapid rise in the charts is making headlines!

With their new album "gefühlsecht", the most successful Austro pop band from the Nockberge mountains achieved the unbelievable - from zero to number one in the red-white-red sales charts - passing the likes of Wanda and even Bon Jovi! And that, in times of streaming ...

"These twelve new songs are first and foremost about loving memories of past romances, romantic and deep feelings of love - in other words, 'emotionally genuine' in the sense of truthfulness" - the band promises. (Bild: zVg Nockis)
"These twelve new songs are first and foremost about loving memories of past romances, romantic and deep feelings of love - in other words, 'emotionally genuine' in the sense of truthfulness" - the band promises.

However, the rapid success was not even as incredible as it sounds: after all, this is the 14th time the Nockis have made this leap. Despite their great success, the quintet's view is not clouded.

They know exactly who they have to thank for it: "The star is actually the audience. It makes you who you are and at the same time, it's the fans who can dethrone you again!", described head nock Friedl Würcher animatedly.

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