Just barely saved

Linz man almost drowned in the Danube while fetching a ball

25.06.2024 18:00

A Romanian (51) from Linz almost lost his life because of his willingness to help. Two water police officers on board the "Lentia" pulled him out of the river at the very last second, saving his life. Just a few seconds later, he would probably have sunk under the bridge piers.

The man had a cheesy face, was breathing extremely hard and was completely exhausted," says Stefan Dirisamer, who, together with his colleague Peter Strasser (55), was only just able to save the life of a Romanian (51). The two officers from the Linz water police happened to be in the right place at the right time on Monday evening.

Danger recognized immediately
"We were on a patrol trip with our boat when we happened to notice a man jumping into the river next to the Donaulände at around 9.05 pm," says Dirisamer. Both were aware that the current conditions in the area between the railroad and highway bridges could quickly become life-threatening for swimmers.

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The Danube never lets go in this area. Swimmers have almost no chance against the strong undercurrent and are pushed under water. The man would probably not have been able to hold out any longer. He was already at the end of his tether.

(Bild: zVg)

Stefan Dirisamer (41), Schiffsführer der Wasserpolizei Linz.

No swimming for a good reason
"We were about 500 meters away and went there immediately. The danger of the man being pushed under water by the bridge piers was enormous." The Romanian was actually pushed there and had no chance of swimming against it. The 51-year-old was completely exhausted, could barely swim and had pain in his chest.

Even the motorboat struggled
"He was only about seven meters away from the bridge pillar and could barely speak. We threw him a lifebuoy and line, then got him on board via the recovery platform." Even with the motorboat, it was not easy to carry out the rescue in the current. The totally exhausted and hypothermic man was able to warm up in the cabin - the Danube was probably no more than 14 or 15 degrees at the scene of the accident.

In the harbor, the Romanian was handed over to the rescue team and then taken to the hospital of the Brothers of Mercy. Why had he jumped into the river? Dirisamer: "He had seen that a ball had accidentally fallen into the water. He wanted to help, but it almost went wrong."

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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