"Speak with heart"

Police officers and disabled people learn from each other

26.06.2024 10:00

Prospective police officers were arrested virtually without resistance, residents of the Lebenshilfe workshop in Steyr played "villains". The aim of the undertaking at the security academy: to break down shyness and develop mutual understanding.

Awesome!", "That was really great!" - The residents of the Lebenshilfe workshop in Steyr were very enthusiastic during their visit to the Linz Security Academy. The budding police officers also allowed themselves to be arrested virtually without resistance, assisted the disabled people in case training or took them for a ride in a police car with flashing blue lights.

Kevin from Lebenshilfe willingly played the "bad guy" during the case training. (Bild: Wenzel Markus)
Kevin from Lebenshilfe willingly played the "bad guy" during the case training.

Reducing shyness
The aim of the project: to lose shyness in dealing with each other, "to speak to people from the heart", says Chief Inspector Gerhard Ortner, a teacher at the SIAK and the driving force behind the campaign. This is because people with disabilities often interpret body language differently and are afraid of people in uniform. Police students should learn empathy in order to be able to react safely in emergency situations.

Police students assisted with somersaults. (Bild: Wenzel Markus)
Police students assisted with somersaults.

Dummy pistol recognized
There was no sign of shyness on site. "I've already arrested someone," said workshop resident Emely, beaming with joy. Kevin willingly played the "bad guy" during the case training and a disabled person immediately noticed that the police trainees were only carrying a dummy pistol in their holster.

Gerhard Ortner with Andrea Kloimstein from the "OÖ-Krone" newspaper. (Bild: Wenzel Markus)
Gerhard Ortner with Andrea Kloimstein from the "OÖ-Krone" newspaper.

"Our clients should know that they can go to the police if they have a problem, that they will be helped there," explained Thomas Mayer, Deputy Director of the Lebenshilfe Werkstätte Steyr. Integration State Councillor Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer (ÖVP) praised the project and wants to encourage it to be adopted at security academies nationwide.

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