Salary most important

Increasing workload: Austrians under pressure

26.06.2024 08:30

According to a study, almost half (42 percent) of people in Austria say that their workload has increased over the past twelve months.

People are not inflexible: almost a quarter are prepared to change companies and almost four fifths (78%) are prepared to adapt to new circumstances such as new ways of working, according to the new "Hopes and Fears Global Workforce Survey 2024" conducted by PwC for Austria with 1,000 respondents.

Majority satisfied with job
Nevertheless, almost two thirds (63%) of people in Austria are satisfied with their job. Globally, the figure is slightly lower at 60% and slightly more people (45%) say that their workload has increased.

44 percent have money left over at the end of the month
85% of respondents in Austria say they receive fair pay. 75 percent find meaning and fulfillment in their job. 66 percent like the flexibility at work. Although a good work-life balance is still important, the top priorities for employees are an attractive salary and financial security. The proportion of those who still have money for savings, vacations or other expenses at the end of the month is 44% in Austria - although this is higher globally at 45%.

Resilience and optimism
55% of Austrian employees have experienced more changes in the past twelve months than in the twelve months before. Accordingly, a good third (35%) are certain that they will have to learn new tools and technologies in order to continue to perform their work successfully. This is overwhelming on the one hand, but also creates resilience and optimism on the other.

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