Too many escapades?

Shock for Britney Spears: Her lawyer quits

26.06.2024 08:36

Had her constant escapades finally become too much for him? Britney Spears' star lawyer has now surprisingly announced that he will no longer represent the pop princess.

In a statement to the press, Mathew Rosengart shocked the press with: "It has been an honor to serve as Britney's legal advisor and to have helped her achieve her goal of dissolving her court guardianship."

Lawyer freed Spears from guardianship
Spears had personally chosen the ex-federal prosecutor, considered one of the best criminal defense attorneys in America, for her court battle in July 2021. It took Rosengart just four months to free his client from the shackles of her guardian father Jamie Spears after 13 years.

Britney Spears was recently able to rely on her lawyer Matthew Rosengart. He has now ended his collaboration with the singer. (Bild:
Britney Spears was recently able to rely on her lawyer Matthew Rosengart. He has now ended his collaboration with the singer.

Even after regaining her freedom, Britney continued to use him as her legal advisor. Among other things, Rosengart drew up the pre-nuptial agreement for the wedding with Sam Asghari, applied for a restraining order against Britney's ex Jason Alexander in court and negotiated the rights for the Spears memoirs with the publishing house Simon & Schuster.

Spears raved about her lawyer
Rosengart last appeared in May when he helped the 42-year-old after the bizarre incident at Hollywood's Chateau Marmont hotel - where Spears suffered a mental breakdown and injured her ankle.

Britney then praised her lawyer on her Instagram profile: "Psst, this man is wonderful. He's like a father to me and helped me through the night last night. I adore and honor you, Mr. Mathew."

Rosengart then said he was "surprised and honored" by the post and claimed in a statement to the press "that I have the same feelings for Britney". Which is why it comes as a surprise that less than a month later, the collaboration is now over.

Collaboration "limited in time"
According to "The Hollywood Reporter", the public version of the reason from the Spears camp sounds like this: "Rosengart's main task was to represent Britney in her guardianship proceedings in court. It was clear from the outset that the mandate was time-limited."

Rosengart confirms this in his statement: "Britney's fundamental rights and civil liberty have been restored." Now that all "outstanding issues have been resolved", the collaboration is over.

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read the original article here.

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