"In a few months"

Serbia considers itself almost ready for EU accession

26.06.2024 09:55

Serbia's Foreign Minister Marko Đurić believes his country is practically ready to join the EU. He is convinced that Serbia "could fulfill all formal criteria in the negotiation chapters within a few months."

Last year, 53 percent of Serbian and EU foreign policy were in agreement. Until membership, the country still has to make "pragmatic decisions that are in our political and economic interests. Even if it may sound contradictory, this is also in the interest of the EU (...) so that one day we do not join the EU as beggars and a burden for anyone, but as a clearly developed country."

Process in an "artificial deep sleep"
The enlargement process must be brought "out of an artificial deep sleep", said Serbia's Foreign Minister. In the past, countries had already joined that had weaker political and economic capabilities at the time. Đurić did not specify which countries he was referring to. On Tuesday, the EU began accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova.

According to the politician, it is becoming increasingly clear that the Kosovo issue will be "crucial in this process". "Everything else is much easier to solve." This means that Kosovo's independence will not be recognized. With the exception of this issue, Serbia would have "harmonious political relations with Austria." However, he would like to see even more intensive economic cooperation, said Đurić. "Austria was one of the most sincere supporters of EU enlargement to the Western Balkans and will hopefully remain so."

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Austria was one of the most sincere supporters of EU enlargement to the Western Balkans and will hopefully remain so.

Serbiens Außenminister Marko Đurić

Better relations with the USA
In terms of foreign policy, better relations with the USA were also a priority. Serbia wants to remain non-aligned and is committed to neutrality, whereby cooperation with NATO is "highly developed".

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