Operation in East Tyrol

Fire in sawmill: Florianis fight against fire

26.06.2024 10:36

Major fire in Obertilliach in East Tyrol! Shortly after 6 a.m. on Wednesday, a fire broke out in a sawmill. The fire spread to two other parts of the building. Numerous fire departments from East Tyrol and the district of Hermagor were deployed to fight the flames.

At around 6.10 am, a fire broke out in a newly built sawmill in Obertilliach for as yet unknown reasons. The flames spread to two other parts of the building shortly afterwards. "The commander and the deputy district fire brigade commander moved out and then saw that part of the sawmill was on fire," explains Harald Draxl, district fire brigade commander in the district of Lienz.

(Bild: FF Obertilliach)
(Bild: FF Obertilliach)
(Bild: FF Obertilliach)
(Bild: FF Obertilliach)
(Bild: FF Obertilliach)

A short time later, a level three alert was issued and numerous fire departments from East Tyrol and the surrounding area were alerted: "A total of twelve fire departments were deployed, eight from East Tyrol, three from the district of Hermagor and colleagues from San Candido in South Tyrol," says Draxl.

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Good tactical decisions were made. This prevented a total loss.

Harald Draxl, Bezirksfeuerwehrkommandant im Bezirk Lienz

Numerous Florianis prevented the worst
Around 220 firefighters were deployed. Draxl praises the approach to the major fire: "Good tactical decisions were made. This prevented a total loss."

The fire has now been brought under control. "Fire out" was announced in the late morning. There was extensive material damage.

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