Kunsthaus Weiz

The fascinating world of the great “visualist”

27.06.2024 10:00

Kunsthaus Weiz is dedicating an extensive exhibition to comic superstar Chris Scheuer, who lives in Schloss Freiberg, from June 28. The first volume of his autobiographical graphic novel will also be presented in this context on August 8.

Chris Scheuer could draw before he could speak. To this day, the superstar of the international comic and graphic novel scene, who was born in Graz in 1952, prefers this form of expression and describes himself as a "visualist". And just how much he has to say with his drawings is demonstrated by the vast number of sheets that have accumulated in curator Georg Gratzer's office in the run-up to the exhibition.

Chris Scheuer's view of the main square fountain in Graz (Bild: Chris Scheuer)
Chris Scheuer's view of the main square fountain in Graz

"I currently have 2,000 drawings in my office," Gratzer said a few weeks ago. That meant he was spoiled for choice. Because every single sheet is absolutely worth seeing. It's not for nothing that Chris Scheuer worked for the well-known comic publishers "Carlsen" and "Schwermetall" as well as the magazine "Comic Forum" for many years.

First publication at the age of 6
He had his first publications as a 6-year-old in the "Süd Ost Tagespost". During his school years, he did private commissions on the side and in the 1980s followed a call to the comic metropolis of Hamburg, where he worked for major agencies. He later moved to Spain and very often to India.

Chris Scheuer was the first winner of the "Max & Moritz" award for best German-language comic artist in 1984, received the Pris de Petite Genie in Paris and was awarded the Golden Medal of Honor by the Province of Styria on his 70th birthday two years ago.

Chris Scheuer quotes Albrecht Dürer (Bild: Chris Scheuer)
Chris Scheuer quotes Albrecht Dürer
Western hero (Bild: Chris Scheuer)
Western hero
Cover of the comic book "Morgana" (Bild: Chris Scheuer)
Cover of the comic book "Morgana"

His best-known works include the comic books "Sheshiva", "Marie Jade", "Titelhelden" and "Morgana", which are now real collector's items. Currently on the market: three volumes of "Reiche Ernte" (2019/20) and the children's and youth book "Vollmond-Legenden" (2023) illustrated by Scheuer. Countless individual sheets also prove that Scheuer has not only mastered the expressive stroke, but has also studied the Old Masters in depth.

Personal guided tours
A cross-section of this rich oeuvre can be admired at the Kunsthaus Weiz from June 28 to September 28. On July 18 and September 5, Chris Scheuer himself will guide visitors through the exhibition. And on August 8, he will present "Book I", the first part of his AutoBioGraphicNovel.

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