Espionage trial

US reporter Gershkovich on trial in Russia

26.06.2024 11:10

US reporter Evan Gershkovich has been in custody in Russia for 15 months on suspicion of espionage. Now the trial begins. On Wednesday, the 32-year-old was presented to the public at a court in Yekaterinburg.

The "Wall Street Journal" correspondent stood in a separate glass box in the courtroom, shaved bald, with his arms crossed and wearing a shirt. The trial itself takes place behind closed doors. Neither the media nor friends, family members or employees of the US embassy are allowed to support Gershkovich. The exclusion of the public is customary in espionage or treason trials in Russia.

Ella Milman is trembling for her son Evan Gershkovich. (Bild: APA/AFP/Natalia KOLESNIKOVA)
Ella Milman is trembling for her son Evan Gershkovich.
Evan Gershkovich appeared in court with a shaved head. (Bild: APA/AFP/NATALIA KOLESNIKOVA)
Evan Gershkovich appeared in court with a shaved head.

Gershkovich was arrested by the FSB domestic intelligence service in Yekaterinburg in the Urals on March 29, 2023. He is accused of spying for the US intelligence service CIA. According to the investigating authorities, he collected secret information on behalf of the CIA in the Sverdlovsk region about the work of a defense company for the manufacture and repair of military equipment. If convicted, he faces a prison sentence of up to 20 years. The newspaper and Gershkovich himself deny the espionage allegations.

Kremlin ready for prisoner exchange
The US presidential office called the accusations ridiculous. The US government also reacted to the unproven accusations with clear words. "The accusation has no basis whatsoever," said US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller in Washington. The Kremlin has signaled that it is prepared to exchange prisoners with the USA.

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