"I can't take any more!"

Vacation season: 87% of parents feel overwhelmed

26.06.2024 12:08

Many parents struggle with being overwhelmed. In fact, the number of consultations in the first half of 2024 increased by 86.96% to 86 compared to the same period last year. Especially during the vacation season, when children and young people spend more time at home, the stress levels for parents increase even further.

"I can't take any more", "It's all getting too much for me" are sentences that the team at elternseite.at, the advice service for parents and caregivers from Rat auf Draht, are currently hearing very often.

"Excessive demands have a strong impact on well-being. Parents say they are more stressed, rushed, emotional, exhausted, overloaded, dissatisfied, irritable or unbalanced. This is often noticeable in consultations," says Lena Kaiser, psychologist and consultant at elternseite.at.

There are many triggers
There are many reasons for the overload: challenging phases of the children, abnormalities, conflicts or parenting issues are just as much a part of it as busy schedules, unequal distribution of tasks, an overly demanding attitude or perfectionism.

Couple conflicts, upheavals in life (e.g. crises, separations), children's tantrums, learning difficulties or the challenge of setting limits for children are also mentioned time and again.

"Recognize your own needs"
"Depending on the issue or cause, we provide individual advice. In general, we offer initial relief and look at resources together. We encourage people to accept support from outside and to recognize their own feelings and needs. In addition to tips, ideas and suggestions for parenting, we offer psychoeducation and try to open up new perspectives for parents," says Kaiser.

A new video clip aims to make it clear that excessive demands know no gender, income bracket, age or background:

Often, additional professional support is also needed for the child or the parents. It is often the case that parents put their own self-care on the back burner. However, this is necessary and important in order to cope well with everyday life.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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