Tax equalization

17.8 million euros recovered for Salzburg residents

26.06.2024 15:00

The Salzburg Chamber of Labor has recorded a new high in tax equalization consultations. The increase of eleven percent in the number of consultations is also reflected in the credit figures: 17.8 million euros landed back in the accounts of Salzburg residents after the consultations.

10,749 euros in credits for a family of seven - AK tax expert Ines Emersberger remembers this very well, certainly one of the highest repayment amounts in 2023. In addition to the Family Bonus Plus and the sole earner deduction, the family was also able to claim vocational training. "Up to 110 euros if there is no corresponding training opportunity in the catchment area of the family's place of residence," explains Emersberger.

AK President Eder: "Competent advice on complex issues is important."
The family of seven was one of 14,685 consultations provided by the AK and the trade union (2023: 13,000). On average, a credit of 1,200 euros was reclaimed. "The popularity of our tax eraser is growing from year to year. People know that we can provide them with expert advice on this complex topic," says AK President and ÖGB Regional Chairman Peter Eder.

In times of price increases and inflation, optimal advice is all the more important so that members only pay as much tax as they really have to, says Eder. The tax jungle is quite complex. In addition to tax consultants, the AK offers assistance with tax issues. In some cases, high credits for employees can be reclaimed from the Ministry of Finance.

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