Rüdiger still missing

“Where is Hummels?” Defense gives Nagelsmann cause for concern

26.06.2024 12:54

Germany coach Julian Nagelsmann continues to be plagued by defensive worries ahead of Saturday's round of 16 match against Denmark (9pm). Chief defender Antonio Rüdiger was also unable to take part in team training on Wednesday. His participation is in doubt. His teammate Jonathan Tah will be missing through suspension. A debate has therefore flared up among our neighbors as to whether the absence of Mats Hummels will now be avenged.

Nagelsmann has started the national team's active preparations for the European Championship round of 16 against Denmark without Antonio Rüdiger. The 31-year-old central defender was absent from the training pitch in Herzogenaurach on Wednesday morning. This means that the entire central defense could be missing on Saturday in Dortmund, as Rüdiger's previous partner Jonathan Tah is suspended after picking up two yellow cards.

Julian Nagelsmann has deliberately dispensed with the services of Mats Hummels. (Bild: AFP/APA/Joe Klamar)
Julian Nagelsmann has deliberately dispensed with the services of Mats Hummels.

A debate has therefore flared up in Germany as to whether Nagelsmann made a serious mistake by leaving out Hummels. A player with his leadership qualities and routine is not something you have on the bench. Both the German media and many users on social media are once again expressing their incomprehension as to why Hummels is not included.

They lack routine
Should Rüdiger also miss out, Nagelsmann would have to activate plan B and line up a completely new central defense. Nico Schlotterbeck and Waldemar Anton, who has not yet played in the first three games of the home tournament, would then probably play together for the first time in an international match.

There is still concern for defensive boss Antonio Rüdiger. (Bild: AP ( via APA) Austria Presse Agentur/ASSOCIATED PRESS)
There is still concern for defensive boss Antonio Rüdiger.

In contrast to Hummels, however, they lack experience at the highest level. It is not publicly known why Nagelsmann decided not to call up the BVB defender, but the question will be asked all the more loudly should the team fail to reach the round of 16. Until then, the national coach is hoping that his defensive boss will be fit again.

Rüdiger suffered a muscle strain in his right thigh on Sunday evening in the 1-1 draw against Switzerland in the last group game. Three days later, the DFB were still not 100% sure that the medical department would get the defender fit in time for the first match in the knockout phase. Rüdiger arrived at the fitness tent at the training ground without soccer boots. He was supposed to start running training.

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