Andreas Mölzer sharp

Government: “The worst of both worlds”

26.06.2024 14:00

In the current political duel on, Eva Glawischnig and Andreas Mölzer discuss Leonore Gewessler's controversial "yes" vote on the renaturation law. Glawischnig: "This is not the first time in this term of government that difficulties have arisen. But the dramatic nature of the announcement of charges of abuse of office and an action for annulment before the European Court of Justice is new."

On the occasion of the renaturation law, Mölzer expressed his general disapproval of the EU's tendency towards bureaucratization: "The Greens and the EU are the supreme regulators and want to regulate everything. Why should the EU be able to dictate to Portugal how to renaturalize the Douro Valley? It's none of the EU's business how I plant my front garden and what I do there for the bees. Each country is responsible for itself. That also applies to my garden". Mölzer's conclusion on Gewessler's 'yes' in Brussels: "She puts party interests above the common good. The current coalition government is the worst of both worlds."

Jeanne d'Arc of climate protection
Glawischnig agrees on the renaturation law: "Gewessler prevailed on the open stage against the ÖVP. And then the ÖVP talked itself into a rage." Mölzer smugly: "Gewessler is now the Joan of Arc of climate protection." The SPÖ's new migration policy is also discussed. Glawischnig: "It's interesting that Babler is now hardly taking a stand on social issues, but is taking a more right-wing stance on migration than before. That's a playing field where the SPÖ can't get anything." Mölzer's view of Babler's migration proposal: "The former Kaiser-Doskozil paper was sensible anyway. But it lacks options for border controls. And the reception camps are also missing. So it was not thought through to the end. And now it obviously had to be 'refreshed'. I also don't know why no one seems to want to speak German anymore."

Andreas Mölzer in the current TV duel (Bild: )
Andreas Mölzer in the current TV duel

The Austrian World Summit in the Hofburg, which Arnold Schwarzenegger has been organizing for several years, was also discussed. Glawischnig: "He is a locomotive and has done a lot of awareness-raising work with Green Energy." Mölzer laconically: "When the Terminator comes, everyone is eager to meet him. From the Federal President down." He added smugly with a view to the photos of Schwarzenegger around the World Summit in the Hofburg: "Arnie probably needs to be 'refreshed' a bit too."

Watch the entire duel in the video above!

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