Only lived to be 3 years old

Biggest dog in the world: “Kevin” is no longer alive

26.06.2024 13:05

He was the world's largest male dog - now the Great Dane named "Kevin" has died unexpectedly. "Our whole family is devastated about Kevin," the Guinness Book of Records quoted his owner as saying. "Kevin" was only three years old.

The male dog measured 97 centimetres from his paws to his withers. A Great Dane is normally 76 centimetres tall on average. "Kevin" lived with his owner Tracy, her husband Roger and their children Alexander and Ava in Des Moines in the US state of Iowa. The family described the dog as a "gentle giant".

Named after movie character
He was named after the main character from the movie "Kevin - Home Alone". According to the Guinness Book, the dog had many "animal siblings", including cats. He got on well with them, reported owner Tracy. Naps on the couch were "Kevin's" favorite activity. He was afraid of the vacuum cleaner. Kevin was also not comfortable with being measured for the record. According to the Guinness Book, he was terrified of the measuring tape.

"Kevin's" family described him as a "gentle giant" who was even afraid of the vacuum cleaner. (Bild: Guinness World Records)
"Kevin's" family described him as a "gentle giant" who was even afraid of the vacuum cleaner.
(Bild: Guinness World Records)
(Bild: Guinness World Records)

The Guinness Book of Records also reported that "Kevin" had only recently been named the largest male dog in the world. He was the successor to the Great Dane "Zeus", who "died tragically" last year. At 1.046 meters tall, Zeus from Bedford in the US state of Texas won the record title in 2022.

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