VCÖ analysis

Fuel often more expensive in vacation destinations than at home

26.06.2024 18:00

Italy, France, Greece and Germany are among the most popular vacation destinations for Tyroleans - and countries where fuel prices are noticeably higher than in Austria, as a recent analysis by the Austrian Transport Association (VCÖ) shows.

The summer vacations are about to begin and for many people, their vacation trip abroad is about to start. Those traveling by car can expect higher fuel prices in some vacation destinations than in Austria.

Expensive places to fill up
According to the VCÖ, for example, a tank of 50 liters of diesel in Italy costs around five euros more and 50 liters of Eurosuper around twelve euros more.

(Bild: Kostia -

In other countries such as Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Greece, Serbia, Finland and the Netherlands, you also have to pay more at filling stations. "On the other hand, fuel prices are lower in Eastern European countries and Croatia in particular," emphasizes the VCÖ.

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In Croatia, 50 liters of diesel cost around three euros less than in Austria and 50 liters of Eurosuper around four euros.

Verkehrsclub Österreich

Air conditioning as a fuel guzzler
"A fuel-efficient driving style can significantly reduce consumption and save a lot of money," reminds VCÖ expert Michael Schwendinger. If you take the motto "glide instead of speed" to heart and drive with foresight, you can take your foot off the gas pedal in good time and drive more smoothly.

This would allow a car to go much further on one tank of gas. Incidentally, the air conditioning system can be a real fuel guzzler. "If it is set too cold, it drives up fuel consumption," say the VCÖ experts.

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