Thanks to donation campaign

Homeless finder in Amsterdam receives 34,000 euros

26.06.2024 13:27

A homeless man in Amsterdam recently found a wallet containing 2,000 euros and handed it in to the police. As a thank you, a fundraising campaign was launched for him, which raised 34,102 euros in just one day. His life was "completely turned upside down", said the honest finder.

Hadjer Ali-Ali had found the wallet at Amsterdam Central Station when he was "doing his rounds" looking for returnable bottles. According to the police, it contained "around 2,000 euros", but no identity papers or other evidence of the owner. The person has not yet come forward.

As a thank you from the police, Hadjer received the "Silver Thumb" award and a voucher worth 50 euros. However, the 33-year-old's life was "completely turned upside down" by an online fundraiser for him. A total of 2800 donations were made, raising more than 34,000 euros.

Hadjer found the wallet at Amsterdam Central Station (photo). (Bild: ZVG)
Hadjer found the wallet at Amsterdam Central Station (photo).

Wants to find a rental apartment
Hadjer, who has been living on the streets for 18 months and has two children, wants to use the money to finally find a rental apartment. He has also received numerous messages offering him work. "I want to thank everyone so, so, so much," he said in a video posted on Instagram. He had been "inundated" with kind messages and was now able to put his life back in order.

The owner of the purse still has one year to report to the police. Otherwise, the 2,000 euros will also go to the finder.

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read the original article here.
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