The day after the win

Rangnick is already back on the training pitch

26.06.2024 13:35

No time to catch his breath - at least not for the team boss. Ralf Rangnick was already back on the pitch in Berlin on Wednesday morning. Training with the players who did not start against the Netherlands was on the agenda.

White cap with a red-white-red flag on it, training montor, wristwatch - Rangnick certainly came to bed late, but he already looked regenerated during training. The team boss entered the training ground with the substitutes from the Netherlands game. The best pictures:

For those who played a half-time or longer, regeneration was on the agenda - as usual after international matches. Switching off is definitely the order of the day. The next game is not until Tuesday, almost a week's break. Which is not inconvenient for Rangnick. "I'm glad that we have a full week of training and also the time to cure certain aches and pains," he said on ServusTV on Tuesday.

"Not very likely"
Immediately after a great moment in Austrian soccer, the team boss tried to put what had happened into perspective. His team had just beaten the Netherlands 3:2 and finished first in the most difficult European Championship group according to the world rankings, so the question of whether they were ready for the title was inevitable. "I don't think it's very likely that we'll be European champions," Rangnick replied on Tuesday in Berlin's Olympic Stadium.

Even before the start of the tournament, the international media had already assigned the ÖFB team the status of secret favorites. Rangnick is still unperturbed by this. "That has absolutely no effect on our games," emphasized the German. They don't want to get involved in title speculation, they think from game to game. "The boys are ambitious and want to get as far as possible."

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