Where you can save

Over 200 percent difference in tutoring prices

26.06.2024 15:00

If you repeat what you have already learned in the summer or catch up, you will save yourself a lot of stress in the next semester. As numerous as the offers are, so great is the price difference: a price comparison by the Chamber of Labor found a difference of up to 211 percent. However, it's better to steer clear of supposed "bargains" on the internet.

During the vacations, many pupils not only sweat it out at the lake, but also in private tuition courses. Parents, on the other hand, may get hot under the collar at the price differences: The hourly rates differ by a whopping 211 percent for individual units (18 euros to 56 euros), and 140 percent difference for small groups (12.44 euros to 29.88 euros), as the Upper Austrian Chamber of Labor found out.

Warning against "bargains"
Compared to the previous year, prices have risen by around two to three percent, but only one provider now charges a registration fee of 42 euros. The consumer advocates urgently warn against supposed bargains on the Internet: in most cases, the free trial units lead directly to expensive subscription models.

City and state subsidize tutoring
Tips for saving money: Get recommendations from friends and acquaintances and find out about discounts as soon as possible. The Wissensturm in Linz offers free summer courses in German, mathematics and English for compulsory school pupils. The state of Upper Austria also subsidizes tutoring with 150 euros; parents or the school can apply for the vouchers online.

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