Crashed into the bushes

Paraglider plummeted 20 meters – seriously injured

26.06.2024 13:57

A terrible recreational accident on Wednesday morning in Innsbruck: a paraglider lost control of her glider shortly before landing. She first crashed into the roof of a house and then crashed into the bushes. The 26-year-old suffered serious injuries. There had already been a paragliding crash in the Kitzbühel district on Tuesday.

At around 9 a.m., the 26-year-old German took off with her paraglider from the Innsbruck Seegrube at around 1900 meters above sea level. Her destination was actually the landing site near the Technical University. But things turned out differently!

Lost control shortly before landing
During the landing approach, the 26-year-old's glider suddenly dropped sharply in the Peerhofstraße area due to the strong valley wind. "Turbulence close to the ground" had also caused the woman to lose control.

"The paraglider then first hit the roof of a residential building. She then plummeted a further ten meters from the roof into the bushes there," reported the police.

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A resident of the house, who became aware of the accident due to the impact, immediately set the rescue chain in motion.

Die Polizei

Seriously injured woman taken to hospital by ambulance
The 26-year-old suffered serious injuries. "A resident of the house, who became aware of the accident due to the impact, immediately set the rescue chain in motion," the investigators continued. After first aid, the seriously injured woman was taken to Innsbruck Hospital.

Paraglider plummeted 20 meters
A crash had already occurred on Tuesday in Westendorf in the district of Kitzbühel. A 69-year-old German had taken off with his paraglider from the launch site on the Choralpe at around midday. Shortly after take-off, the pilot probably lost control and crashed from a height of around 20 meters.

Transferred to hospital in Bavaria
"The German sustained serious injuries", reported the police. After initial treatment at the scene of the accident, he was flown by emergency helicopter to St. Johann District Hospital and then transferred to the Bavarian hospital in Murnau.

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read the original article here.

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