Millions in bonuses

Austria is also on the road to success financially

26.06.2024 14:26

Austria's group victory at the European Football Championship in Germany has also paid off financially for the ÖFB. Including the entry fee of 9.25 million euros, the association has already received 12.75 million euros in fixed bonuses from UEFA. For each of the two victories in the group stage there was one million euros, and a further 1.5 million euros for reaching the round of 16. This means that the ÖFB has already collected exactly the same amount at the tournament as at the last European Championship in 2021.

Despite inflation, UEFA has not changed the entry and success bonuses compared to the tournament three years ago, which was impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. The total budget for the European Championships is €331 million. Should the ÖFB team advance to the quarter-finals in Leipzig on Tuesday (9 p.m.), the association would be guaranteed a further 2.5 million euros. A further four million awaits for the semi-finals, another five million for the final and a further three million for winning the title.

"Fair result"
However, all of the ÖFB's costs for the EURO must be deducted from these gross amounts - including the performance bonuses for the players. The federation had already negotiated these with the team council, consisting of the injured David Alaba, his stand-in captain Marko Arnautovic, Marcel Sabitzer and Konrad Laimer, before the start of the European Championship preparations in May. It was agreed not to disclose the amount. "The players would have liked more, we would have liked less. That's why I think it's a fair result," said Bernhard Neuhold, managing director of ÖFB Wirtschaftsbetriebe GmbH.

Austria advance to the round of 16 as group winners (Bild: APA)
Austria advance to the round of 16 as group winners

Reaching the round of 16 is also a small bonus for the players. According to Neuhold, the bonuses are "staggered according to progress". The association's first goal has been achieved with promotion. From the last men's tournament in 2021, when they were knocked out in the round of 16 by eventual European champions Italy, the soccer association had a profit in the low seven-figure euro range after deducting all costs. "That will also be the case this time," Neuhold told APA. The costs have already been more than covered.

Ralf Rangnick's track record (Bild: APA)
Ralf Rangnick's track record

Bundesliga also benefits
According to Neuhold, the ÖFB has already received part of the UEFA payments, with a further tranche to follow after the tournament. In addition to the players, the Bundesliga and the nine national associations will also benefit from the surplus proceeds according to a distribution formula that has already been established.

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read the original article here.

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