Lower Austria

On the pilgrimage route of St. Francis

27.06.2024 08:00

A varied landscape, numerous sights and magnificent church architecture - a newly created circular pilgrimage trail awaits you in southern Lower Austria, drawing attention to the life of St. Francis of Assisi.

When Johann Weik went on a pilgrimage along the Way of St. James in 2013, he had the idea of extending an existing nature trail in his home region, the Creation Trail in Pitten in the Bucklige Welt, which was based on St. Francis' Canticle of the Sun, to the surrounding area. This ultimately developed into a new pilgrimage path, the "Franziskusweg Niederösterreich-Süd". "I wanted to bring the idea of pilgrimage with all the senses to the region." And it has succeeded: The pilgrimage trail leads past impressive cultural monuments, all of which point to the life of St. Francis of Assisi.

Attractive stage destinations
Certain places along the St. Francis Trail, which runs through Lower Austria from Pitten via Lanzenkirchen to Wiener Neustadt and back, often invite you to pause for a moment. The first special sight is in Bad Erlach - the parish church dedicated to St. Anthony of Padua. St. Francis held Anthony in high esteem due to his excellent knowledge of the Bible and appointed him as the first theological teacher for his Friars Minor in Assisi.

Recommended destinations: the mountain and parish church in Pitten ... (Bild: zVg)
Recommended destinations: the mountain and parish church in Pitten ...
... and the Capuchin church of St. Jacob in Wiener Neustadt (Bild: zVg)
... and the Capuchin church of St. Jacob in Wiener Neustadt

On our next stages, we come across two former Franciscan monasteries: the now Klemens-Maria-Hofbauer-Gymnasium in Katzelsdorf and the Capuchin Church of St. Jacob with its beautiful monastery garden in Wiener Neustadt. The friar community organizes the annual Portiunkula-Kirtag here. The word Portiunkula (Latin for "little piece of earth") is a reminder of the origins of the "Franciscan movement" of Assisi.

The route then continues via the Leitha spring in Haderswörth, where the two rivers Pitten and Schwarza join, to the Glass Way of the Cross in Linsberg. This place invites you to follow Jesus' last journey of life and suffering and is reminiscent of the stigmata that Francis received in La Verna. In the Mater Salvatoris convalescent, nursing and residential home near Brunn an der Pitten, our penultimate stop, people are cared for with dignity until the end. St. Francis also once cared for the sick and lepers.


All information can be found on the website of the association "For our world": www.fuerunserewelt.at

  • Folder: available in all churches, parish and municipal offices along the pilgrimage route. Guided pilgrimage tours: j.weik@gmx.at


  • Guntrams Estate
    Guntrams 11, 2625 Schwarzau am Steinfeld
  • Grandhotel Niederösterreicherhof
    Parkallee 1, 2821 Lanzenkirchen


  • Restaurant Vinothek Unger Pitten
    Wiener Neustädter Str. 167, 2823 Pitten
  • Michelhof Lanzenkirchen
    Ofenbachstraße 14, 2821 Lanzenkirchen
  • Restaurant Kupferdachl
    Eichbüchl 23, 2801 Katzelsdorf

The Canticle of the Sun on the Pitten Creation Trail
When the Schlossberg and the mountain church in Pitten, which is dedicated to St. George, appear, you have almost completed the longer route of the trail. Along the Despordes Staircase on the Creation Trail, an oasis of silence and prayer, you come across several small fountains, mosaics and pictures that mark the stages of Francis of Assisi's life.

"Christine Buchner, an artist from Pitten, worked on this, as did children from the kindergarten and the surrounding schools," explains initiator Johann Weik, "but the parish council and our confirmands were also involved." Francis expresses his love for all creatures in the Canticle of the Sun prayer, which is referenced by sculptures and mosaics along the Creation Trail.

The "dew" (here on the Pitten Creation Trail) is a sign of peace and blessing. (Bild: zVg)
The "dew" (here on the Pitten Creation Trail) is a sign of peace and blessing.

A dew fountain, which stands above the path directly in front of the mountain church (St. George), provides a crowning finale to our tour with a special view of the Schneeberg and Rax regions. The two-storey arcaded courtyard in early Baroque style, the associated parish church (St. Martin of Tours) and the rose garden in Pitten are not directly on the Franziskusweg, but are no less interesting for that.

Both circular hiking trails (37.5 km or 12 km) lead along easy paths on the edge of the Bucklige Welt through a varied region and can be completed in one day by ambitious hikers and cyclists. On the Franziskusweg NÖ-Süd with its variety of wonderful sculptures, shrines and plaques along the signposted route, you can immerse yourself in the impressive landscape and, above all, the special regional features.

Book tip

Illustrated book "Franziskusweg NÖ-Süd"

Order at: j.weik@gmx.at or by calling +43 664 451 22 48

"Pilgrimage is something wonderful. The meaning of life is revealed as you walk. Peace, joy and love come as a gift," says Brother Martin Treipl from the Pinkafeld Franciscan Community. A wonderful gift for all those who embark on it. Blessed be your pilgrimage!

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read the original article here.

Anton Dorfmeister
Anton Dorfmeister
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