Velvet paws as painters

TierQuarTier Vienna turns cats into artists

27.06.2024 11:00

The cats at Vienna's municipal animal shelter are now thanking their new owners as true "Picatzos" with pictures they have painted themselves. However, the fun campaign with the artistic velvet paws has a serious background.

The cats are currently painting animal-themed pictures at TierQuarTier Vienna while they wait for new owners. The aim is to keep them creatively occupied until they can be given to new owners. The best thing about it: anyone who can give one of the little artists a new home can also take the artwork with them.

Artistic touch for more color in everyday life
The municipal animal shelter uses art to keep its pets busy and literally bring a little color into their everyday lives - without posing a health risk to them, of course: A few blobs of naturally non-toxic paint are spread on the canvases, then they are placed in sealable freezer bags. The cat does the rest when it leaves its mark on the canvas while playing or looking for food.

Bronn the cat prefers pastel shades (Bild: TierQuarTier Wien / Jakob Halmer)
Bronn the cat prefers pastel shades
"Diesel" has already impressed with his talent: he already has a new home. (Bild: TierQuarTier Wien / Jakob Halmer)
"Diesel" has already impressed with his talent: he already has a new home.
Armin the cat with his abstract composition in red (Bild: TierQuarTier Wien / Jakob Halmer)
Armin the cat with his abstract composition in red

The campaign has a serious undertone: the start of summer this year once again means many animals heartlessly "disposed of" by their previous owners. "With the cat art campaign, we want to draw attention to the many animals in our shelter and increase the chances of a successful placement," admits Thomas Benda, Operations Manager at TierQuarTier.

21 cats are currently waiting for a new home at TierQuarTier, as well as 87 dogs and 28 small animals, from hamsters to chinchillas and many rabbits - information and details on the individual animals can be found at

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read the original article here.

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