Feasibility study

Swimming lake in the “Möckle” is not feasible

26.06.2024 15:55

The desire to build a bathing lake in Dornbirn is off the table for the time being. The ground conditions are too unfavorable and the groundwater flow is also very weak. "1.5 liters per second is simply not enough. The water would be exchanged far too slowly," explains the responsible city councillor Markus Fäßler (SPÖ).

"Transferring water from the Dornbirner Ache is also not an option, as this would require a pumping station," explains Fäßler. This means that the city of Messestadt will have no choice but to look for another location. It remains to be seen where this will be. There are not too many areas along the Dornbirner Ache that are owned by the city.

Staufensee not an alternative
In the absence of a bathing lake, Fäßler advocates implementing the idea of the sunset steps at the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences. The accessibility of the Dornbirner Ache at the ford should also be improved.

Markus Fäßler is the city councillor for road and path construction, water management and hydraulic engineering as well as torrent and avalanche control. (Bild: Maurice Shourot)
Markus Fäßler is the city councillor for road and path construction, water management and hydraulic engineering as well as torrent and avalanche control.

"Now that there is a new access road in the Staufensee area with the bridge, it would also be worth considering turning this place into an oasis to cool off on hot days." Lake Staufen is not suitable for swimming due to the low water temperature and the power plant operation.

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