Space for 1800 fans

Fan zone remains at SAK-Platz despite euphoria

28.06.2024 08:00

Broadcasting on Kapitelplatz is still not an option for the provincial capital. Mayor Bernhard Auinger blames the old government.

Austria is currently experiencing its own summer fairytale at the European Football Championships in Germany. The enthusiasm in the country is boundless, the atmosphere at the public viewings in the fan zones is fantastic. In Salzburg, however, just 1800 people are enjoying the shared EURO experience at SAK-Platz in Nonntal. And there won't be any more. This was confirmed by Mayor Bernhard Auinger (SPÖ) when asked by the "Krone" newspaper. We have to be happy that it was possible to organize a public broadcast in such a short time.

The screen at Kapitelplatz is only available for the Sternenkino. (Bild: Tröster Andreas)
The screen at Kapitelplatz is only available for the Sternenkino.

Time for a new fan zone is too short
There are no plans to move the fan zone to Kapitelplatz, nor is it possible. "The procedures would take too long," says Auinger. In addition, the Sternenkino cinema is currently located on the square. The city boss also criticizes his predecessor: "The old city government should have decided on a large fan zone in February."

As reported, former city boss Harald Preuner did not want a broadcast in the old town. "The decision was unanimous in the city council at the time. I didn't see any great ambitions from the other parties for public viewing either," countered city deputy Florian Kreibich (ÖVP).

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