Horror trip for fans

Train arrived too late: Austria game missed

27.06.2024 05:58

Soccer fans from Burgenland experienced a horror trip on their train journey to Berlin. They never made it to the Olympic Stadium. Two fathers and their daughters are bitterly disappointed.

Austria fans have to fight hard. At the start of the European Championship match against France, the overburdened Deutsche Bahn had already spoiled the enjoyment of the game for hundreds of soccer fans. However, most fans at least made it to the stadium in Düsseldorf, albeit up to 70 minutes late.

By train to Berlin
Dozens of Austria fans were even worse off at the match against Poland. Among them were two work colleagues from the Oberpullendorf district with their daughters, both nine years old. Their journey by car to Vienna Central Station started at 4 o'clock in the morning. Train departure at 5.28 am, planned arrival in Berlin at 2.57 pm.

When they left Vienna, they were still looking forward to the game. (Bild: Privat)
When they left Vienna, they were still looking forward to the game.

Delay right at the start
The first train started 45 minutes late - missed connecting train in Salzburg. "We then took the Bavarian regional train to Munich. When we arrived at 11.25 a.m., we discovered that our ICE train 1110 to Berlin had not yet left. We were still glad to have caught the train," explains Reinhard B.

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Departure would have been at 10.52 a.m., but the train didn't leave until 12.16 p.m. If the planned arrival time of 4.40 p.m. had been adhered to, it would have been easy to be at the stadium in time for the 6 p.m. kick-off.

Vater Reinhard B.

"Train stopped unexpectedly, simply didn't continue"
The fathers and their daughters were in for a nasty surprise at around 3.30 pm. Suddenly the train stopped in Bitterfeld, 45 minutes before Berlin. "There was no information, just free bottles of water as an apology," says B.

The train stopped in Bitterfeld - and simply didn't continue. (Bild: Privat )
The train stopped in Bitterfeld - and simply didn't continue.

At around 5.30 p.m., when the young fans had already shed many tears, Deutsche Bahn "crammed" all the passengers onto a train that was traveling to Berlin via a regional line. There was not enough room, most of the fans were cowering on the floor.

Fans bitterly disappointed
Wrong information again and again, no internet reception to watch the game, which had long since started. When the train arrived at 9.22 pm, everyone was at their wits' end. Missed the game! Grotesque: When they called Deutsche Bahn, they said: "Your train is still running!" Later, storm damage to the overhead line was the official explanation for the series of breakdowns. "An excuse," was the comment of the bitterly disappointed fans.

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