220 kV line

Court turns down nature conservationists over power ring

26.06.2024 15:30

Hidden behind the title "Secure power supply for the central region of Upper Austria" is the conversion and new construction of the power line around Linz, which is to be converted from a 110 kV to a 220 kV line and supplied with five new substations. Following a decision by the Supreme Court, nothing now stands in the way of the project.

The Federal Administrative Court (BVwG) has confirmed the EIA approval in the second instance for a 220 kV supply ring in the central region of Upper Austria, which is intended to ensure the decarbonization of local industry. The "Secure power supply central Upper Austria" project by Austrian Power Grid (APG), Netz Oberösterreich GmbH and LINZ NETZ GmbH envisages replacing the old 110 kV grid in the central region with a 220 kV supply ring.

No suspensive effect
The province had not granted any suspensive effect to appeals against the infrastructure project, the BVwG took a different view in 2023, but has now confirmed the EIA approval in principle in the second instance. "With this confirmation of the positive EIA decision by the BVwG, however, not only has the environmental compatibility of the project been confirmed once again, but the approval is also fully consumable," said APG. The findings will still be examined in detail, but in APG's opinion there is no longer any suspensive effect.

Approval from politicians
"In particular, this will prevent a delay to voestalpine's 'greentec steel' project, Austria's largest climate protection project. This means that around 2 million tons of CO2 can be saved in Upper Austria from 2027," said a delighted Markus Achleitner (ÖVP), Member of the Provincial Council for Economic Affairs.

State Councillor for the Environment Stefan Kaineder (Greens) praised the rapid approval "after just 16 months in one of the most complex procedures of recent decades". This means that construction can now begin and the tight schedule for gradual commissioning from 2026 can be adhered to, said Kaineder. In addition to the long-term decommissioning of the fossil-fuel power plants in the central region of Upper Austria, the new supply ring will also enable voestalpine to convert its steel production from fossil-fueled blast furnaces to electric arc furnaces.

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