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A.Döller & D.Bernhard

A festival summer with concentrated female power

27.06.2024 11:00

Anna Rosa Döller (22) and Dagmar Bernhard (43) are considered the secret weapons of General Director Alfons Haider. One of them plays the rose seller "Eliza Doolittle" in the musical "My Fair Lady" at the festival in Mörbisch. The other plays the hotel landlady "Josepha" in the operetta "Im weißen Rössl" at Schloss Tabor in Neuhaus am Klausenbach. As the two have never met before, "Krone" invited them on a boat trip and spoke to them about competition, sexual assault and love in the workplace.

"Krone": You come from Ternitz and Wieselburg respectively. What personal connection do you both have to Burgenland?
Anna Rosa Döller: As a child, I often visited the lido in Mörbisch with my parents and my brother. Because you can see the huge festival stage from there and I already loved singing, dancing and tap dancing back then, I really wanted to go there and sit in the audience. The years went by, but it never happened. Until "The King and I" was performed in 2022. I actually sat in the middle of the audience. And a year later, I was even on stage as the leading actress in "Mamma Mia". That was more than a childhood dream come true.
Dagmar Bernhard: I also really like Burgenland, especially because of the delicious jokes, wines and wine taverns. Director Martin Weinek, the artistic director of the Uhudler-Landestheater, has one of the best. He is a dear colleague and good friend of mine. From August 29, we will be performing together in "Der Freyschütze - Jägerromantik 2.0". The play is about young hunter Max, who first has to prove himself at the test shooting before he can marry his beloved Agathe. But because he hasn't landed a shot for weeks and is full of fear of failure, he gets involved with dark forces...

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