One year anniversary of the explosion

“Time heals many things, but some things remain”

27.06.2024 09:00

Exactly one year ago, on the evening of June 27, 2023, leaked natural gas exploded in a housing estate in Ansfeld. The entire neighborhood was evacuated that night and one house was badly affected. Twelve months later, the "Krone" knows what remains of the horror.

A bang, a pressure wave, flames, blue lights. Many residents of the tranquil Ansfeld settlement were already in bed when all hell literally broke loose in their front gardens on June 27, 2023. During an ordinary deep drilling operation, which is carried out thousands of times a year throughout Austria, a natural gas bubble was discovered at a shallow depth.

Florianis already on site
The gases had seeped through the gravel floor to the surface next to the sunken pipe and ignited there in an explosion - the "Krone" reported in detail. "It was lucky that the fire department was already on site because of the gas leak," says Renate Stangl. The Ansfeld woman's house was directly opposite the borehole and was the only building to be destroyed.

A prefabricated house will soon be erected on this foundation in place of the old house. (Bild: Dostal Harald)
A prefabricated house will soon be erected on this foundation in place of the old house.

Destroyed by blast wave and smoke
"The renovation would have been too expensive. Everything in the garden was destroyed and the inside of the house was completely devastated by the blast wave and smoke. We have demolished everything and the new prefabricated house should be ready in November," says Stangl, who has been living in the side street since the inferno.

No ban on deep drilling
"Normality has returned," explains Mayor Christian Partoll. "These boreholes are approved by the state, which also examines each individual case. We have therefore not issued a ban from the municipality."

Thank you event on July 7
On Sunday, July 7, a morning pint will be held not far from the house to thank the emergency services, where neighbors who have melted together as a result of the traumatic events can meet up. "Time heals. You forget a lot, but not everything," says Stangl.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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