Reproaches from parents

School is a pure construction site: “Children are suffering!”

27.06.2024 08:03

Noise and dust make learning a misery for the girls and boys at the elementary school in Maria Rain. Concerned parents criticize these conditions.

Teaching conditions at Maria Rain primary school are anything but good at the moment. The school, which is being converted into an education center, is a construction site. "It's loud, there's drilling going on, painters are coming into the classrooms and starting work, it's dusty. There are also dangers lurking all over the site," says Ronald Petschnig, worrying about his children. "My daughter suffers from headaches, can't concentrate and is exposed to unhealthy fumes," says the father.

He wants to draw attention to the unacceptable conditions. "It's about the health and safety of the little ones! Both factors are massively at risk under the current circumstances."

(Bild: zvg)
Dangers lurk in rooms and corridors. Work objects are lying around unsecured. (Bild: zvg)
Dangers lurk in rooms and corridors. Work objects are lying around unsecured.

Uncoordinated work as the cause
The head of the primary school, Heribert Kulmesch, is aware of these allegations. "Unfortunately, unfavorable incidents have repeatedly occurred over the course of the year, which parents have complained to us about," explains the principal. "Unfortunately, the companies acted in an uncoordinated manner and carried out work without consulting the site manager beforehand," regrets Kulmesch. He assures us that the school management reacted immediately.

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My children are not in a school, but on a building site. The conditions are a disaster!

Roland Petschnig, Vater

Maria Rain's mayor Franz Ragger points out that this is a mega construction site. "It's a huge project, so noise pollution and dust are unavoidable. Unfortunately, it's not easy. Above all, the plan is to be finished in the autumn," emphasizes the head of the municipality. However, according to the director and mayor, there are no health risks. "If there was imminent danger here, we would have to report it immediately!"

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read the original article here.

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