Only 60 km/h now

The threat of traffic jams in Vienna is imminent!

26.06.2024 16:00

The next construction hammer: In addition to the impending public transport chaos in the summer months, there is now the next piece of bad news. The A4, the east highway, one of Vienna's most important traffic routes, will be undergoing a general overhaul from the end of July.

The construction site between the Prater junction and the Schwechat junction will make many commuters and all those people who have to get to Vienna International Airport sweat. This is because traffic jams are almost inevitable at peak times and when traveling. The ÖAMTC traffic club is now also warning of delays.

Due to the frequency of traffic and the age of the road, a fundamental renovation of the lanes and bridges of the A4, between the Prater junction and the Schwechat junction, is necessary over a length of around 7 kilometers. (Bild: ASFINAG)
Due to the frequency of traffic and the age of the road, a fundamental renovation of the lanes and bridges of the A4, between the Prater junction and the Schwechat junction, is necessary over a length of around 7 kilometers.

During the construction work, at least two lanes will be available at all times during the day and a speed limit of 60 km/h will apply in the construction site area. According to ASFINAG, if this did not happen, traffic jams of up to 21 kilometers in length could occur and 1.5 hours of travel time could be lost. Vienna's city center would be paralyzed. Individual ramp closures are nevertheless necessary at night or at weekends.

The more than 40-year-old section of highway is one of the busiest routes in Austria. More than 80,000 vehicles use it every day. The frequency of HGVs is also extremely high here. All work is scheduled to last until September 2026.

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