Law in planning

Docking and torture breeding: is an EU-wide ban coming?

26.06.2024 17:46

EU countries are speaking out against the breeding of dogs and cats with extreme traits. The aim is to prevent these traits from being passed on to future generations if there is a high health risk for them and their offspring, the member states announced on Wednesday. The docking of dogs' ears and tails is also to be banned throughout the EU.

What exactly constitutes such an extreme characteristic with a health risk is still to be determined on the basis of scientific research. Examples could include short-nosedness, floppy ears in cats or deliberately bred degeneration of the musculoskeletal system.

Cats like this Scottish Fold often suffer from the consequences of torturous breeding. (Bild: TierQuarTier)
Cats like this Scottish Fold often suffer from the consequences of torturous breeding.

Docking to be banned throughout the EU
Painful mutilations - such as cutting off parts of the tail or ears - are also to be banned. The EU-wide law also aims to curb the illegal trade in these popular pets and do more for their welfare. Specifically, the standards for keeping dogs and cats are also to be harmonized. For example, there should be a minimum amount of space, regulated access to daylight and basic rules for feeding in facilities such as animal shelters.

Boxers used to be docked in Austria, like this animal - that is a thing of the past, at least in Austria. (Bild: © 2018 Mary Swift Photography)
Boxers used to be docked in Austria, like this animal - that is a thing of the past, at least in Austria.

In addition, all animals should be microchipped and registered in a database before they are sold or given away. This database should then be accessible throughout Europe. So far, there are no plans for the new regulations to apply to animals owned by private individuals.

72 million dogs and 83 million cats
The EU member states' position was based on a proposal that the European Commission had already presented in the winter of 2023. According to the EU states, however, it did not include a stop to the breeding of extreme traits. According to the authority, citizens in the European Union own more than 72 million dogs and 83 million cats. The annual turnover in the animal trade is estimated at around 1.3 billion euros.

Before the new rules can come into force, the final legal text still has to be negotiated with the European Parliament.

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